Analysis about how teachers present the begining of the clasess from pupils’ point of view
Nicolás Martínez Valcárcel
Pedro Miralles Martínez
Elisa Navarro Medina

Los datos empíricos proceden de un proyecto más amplio en el que se entrevistó a 1.523 estudiantes sobre cómo fueron sus clases de Historia en COU o 2º de Bachillerato en el periodo 1989-2003. La técnica de obtención de información se ha basado en el relato del alumnado mediante la estimulación del recuerdo. Se les pidió que contestasen de forma abierta a la pregunta ¿Cómo era tu clase de Historia? De las 42.000 aportaciones obtenidas, sólo hemos considerado para este artículo las referidas al Inicio de su clase de Historia. Para la categorización y el análisis de los resultados se utilizaron los programas Excel y SPSS.
ABSTRAC: The aim of this article is to analyze the importance of the initial actions of education with a double purpose: to describe the sequence that emerges of the interpretation that we have done about the descriptions of the students and to explain their implications in the process of education-learning.
The empirical information comes from the testimonies of 1,523 students on how they were their
classes of History in two-year pre-university course in the period 1989-03. The technique of obtaining of information has been based on the statement of the students by means of the stimulation of the recollection. We have asked them that answer of opened form the next question: how it was your class of History? Before, it was proceeded to simulate the actions that were realized in a class. They have been in use Excel and SPSS programs to the categorization and the analysis of the results.